Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand

Bite sized coaching for you to nibble on all month long...


What if you could put a stop to starting over?

You know that you need to eat right, move your body and keep a positive mindset. You know that filling your plate with leafy greens is going to do you more good than filling it with french fries. And you know that regular exercise gives you more energy and helps you feel better.

The problem isn’t knowing what to do. The problem is sticking with it. 

When life is good, maintaining healthy habits isn’t all that hard. But what about when life throws a curveball? Like when you’re hit with a major work project, or when camps close and the kids are home all summer? 

When plans get derailed, it’s tempting to reach for the structure and rules of a new health and fitness regimen to get back on track. But too often, a new diet program just leaves you feeling worse. When you fall behind on workouts or mess up your meal plan by breakfast, you blame yourself. 

But what if it’s not you that can’t keep up with your diet? What if it’s actually your diet that can’t keep up with you?

Can you relate?

  • You’re tired of the constant stopping and starting of yo-yo dieting
  • You want good health to be simple, even when life gets complicated
  • You crave consistency (even more than you crave donuts!)
  • You don’t have time for yet another diet and exercise plan
  • You want to stop dwelling on past mistakes and start focusing on the present
  • You want to put a stop to starting over

When you’re struggling to stay consistent with healthy habits, it’s easy to think that more structure, more rules and more rigidity is the answer. But it’s actually flexibility that allows you to maintain a healthy lifestyle - no matter what life throws at you.

That’s why I created Get Lively® OnDemand - online health coaching designed for consistency.

Sign me up!

"Jan has taught me how to pay attention to my thoughts and habits and evaluate ways to make lasting changes. (Teach a man to fish!)

I feel more empowered and in control of the choices I make that are right for me. I have learned to think, eat and move with intention, with love for myself and a greater feeling of self worth. - Jean D."

Bite-Sized Health Coaching That Moves With You

Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand is a monthly online health coaching membership that provides the support and guidance you need
to stay consistent throughout the year
and through all seasons of life.

Bite-sized health and fitness lessons, live and pre-recorded workouts, new recipes and group coaching ensure you can stay on track - without content overwhelm and without the guilt of falling behind.

In fact, in the Get Lively® OnDemand online membership, falling behind isn’t even part of our vocabulary. 

Because this isn’t just another one of those monthly health challenges. We won’t be giving up sugar one month and gluten the next. We won’t be punishing ourselves with endless squats, crunches and push-ups. We won’t be worried about what we did the month before, or what might happen in the month ahead.

Instead, we’ll stay present on the things we can do right now to maintain a healthy lifestyle and feel good - mind, body and soul.

With Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand online health coaching, youā€™ll get:


The feeling of relief knowing that you have a way to stay consistent with your healthy habits during Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall!


The confidence to make positive health decisions AND freedom from the negative mindset that so often holds us back.

Guidance & Support

The resources and information that you need at your fingertips! No more countless hours spent searching the web.

Ready to join?

Don't wait! Membership closes in July!

I’m Jan, the creator of Get Lively® OnDemand.

I’ve spent years working as a personal trainer and health coach, helping my clients build a consistent approach to nutrition and exercise. But along the way, I’ve learned an important lesson about the traditional understanding of the word consistency. 

I realized that consistency doesn’t mean always having to do the same thing. Consistency just means always doing something that moves you toward your goals. 

It was this realization that led me to creating Get Lively® On Demand - a monthly online health coaching membership program that shifts and adjusts with you throughout the year. Because I know that the coaching you need in June isn’t the same as the coaching you need in January.

Are you ready for more consistency? I’m opening up Get Lively® OnDemand to new members for a limited time only. 

Sign me up!

"Every single month, there is a very valuable "take away" with the Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand program. I look forward to new content, ideas and suggestions each month. - Karen T."

The Perks of Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand Health Coaching Membership

In the Get Lively® OnDemand program, we say goodbye to starting over, and say hello to making consistent adjustments. We stop dwelling on the times we strayed from a meal plan or skipped a workout, and start focusing on the things we can do right now to feel more energized, more lively and more joyful.


Get Lively® OnDemand offers new, bite-sized health coaching every month to support a healthy lifestyle, built on the T.E.A.M. Lively foundation (Think, Eat, And Move). Coaching topics change throughout the year to reflect what we typically experience during each season/month. 

This flexibility means you can embrace the good AND the struggles to feel your most lively. It also means there is no such thing as “falling behind.” Whether you miss the group health coaching call or don’t complete a single live workout, just move on and keep trying.

As a member you’ll get:

  • Online membership access to easily find resources and connect with other members
  • Monthly (bite-sized) health coaching videos to help you think, eat and move better
  • Worksheets & resources to keep you on track without content overload
  • A monthly group coaching call with me, a.k.a your biggest cheerleader!
  • Live and pre-recorded workouts and guided meditations
  • Access to a full library of recipes, nutrition advice, workouts & more
  • Private Facebook group access for additional support and accountability
  • Weekly email check-ins to help you stay motivated

Want in on a more consistent approach to health?

Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand closes at the end of the month and doesnā€™t reopen until October. Donā€™t wait to get - and stay - on track. Take advantage of this limited time offer before the cart closes - and get the equivalent of one month FREE.

Membership Rate



Limited Time Offer: $24 PER MONTH

Use code “2020” for $5 off /month through the end of 2020 - equivalent to one month free!

Join Now

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Health Coaching

Jumping into yet another health and fitness program can bring up a lot of questions. But I have answers!

Q: Will I really have time for this?

A: When I say this health coaching is bite-sized, I mean bite-sized. Coaching videos are only about 5 minutes long and workouts are always 30 minutes or less. Group coaching calls are held just once a month. Any other monthly resources can be accessed online 24/7, so you can explore when you have time.

Q: Do I have to follow a certain diet or workout plan?

A: Nope! Get Lively® OnDemand is all about flexibility, not more rules. I share recipes, nutrition tips and workouts, but it doesn't mean you have to follow my approach exactly. In fact, the strategies and tools I share in my monthly health coaching videos can be applied to any style of eating and exercise.

Q: What if I get off track?

A: No such thing! OnDemand coaching changes each month and automatically adjusts to the challenges we face at different times of the year. You don’t need the same coaching in January that you need in June, so there’s no need to worry about going back and finishing missed lessons or workouts. Just keep moving forward!

Are you ready to find your lively and put a stop to starting over?



Take advantage of this limited time offer and save $5 each month through the end of 2020 - equivalent to one month free! Sign Up For Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand

What People Are Saying about
Get LivelyĀ® OnDemand

“The Get Lively® OnDemand program that Jan offers is perfect for my busy life!...No matter where I’m at on my journey to better health and fitness, I always have a take away from her material. She doesn’t promote quick fixes or fads but consistent guidance and knowledge to long term health and happiness.  She makes me think of how I can evolve!” - Judy F.

“I have been a member of Get Lively® OnDemand since the program was established. The content provided through the Get Lively® OnDemand is extremely valuable to my overall goal of good health, an active lifestyle and healthy eating. The monthly material provides information regarding current topics and focuses on subjects occurring at the current time.” - Karen T.

“I’ve done every fad diet since I was young enough to start dieting, exercising and trying to lose weight, and I have only ever made it so far. Nothing sustains for any length of time - it always seemed to creep back up no matter what I did! Then Get Lively® OnDemand started and it has changed my life!  After all these years I realized it wasn’t a diet I needed; it was a life commitment to myself. With this program, you are able to embrace that with the structure and the tools that are given. Jan is real, she gets to the heart and soul of who you are through her realness and her energy is electrifying.” - April H.

Ready to live a life more LIVELY?

What have you got to lose other than a chance to finally find a way to stay consistent with your healthy habits?


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